DRUGS sniffer dogs were invited to a Hampshire secondary school following an increase in illegal THC vapes and edibles being sold in schools in surrounding counties.

A K9 Deployment dog team made an unannounced visit to Perins School in Alresford on Thursday, February 8, as part of the school’s effort to crack down on student conduct standards.

Head of School Mark Nevola informed parents in an email sent out yesterday afternoon. Mr Nevola said the school is eager to “upskill” itself quite quickly for staff to be aware of what to look out for and the dangers of drugs like THC vapes and edibles.

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The email read: "This is something that, in common with many schools we do on occasions, unannounced as a part of the school’s ongoing, wider education around the misuse of illicit substances. It further serves to reinforce the Perins policies and standards of expected student conduct when onsite in the school. This practice has been well received by parents in the past and assists our safeguarding team to make informed decisions when planning to conduct any searches of our students as part of our ongoing vigilance.

Hampshire Chronicle: Perins SchoolPerins School

“I have been made aware that Surrey and Berkshire schools have seen an increase in the selling of THC vapes and edibles, by pupils in their schools. I am sure this is not just restricted to these areas, and I would suggest that as Hampshire geographically neighbours these authorities there is a high probability that this is something Hampshire schools also need to be aware. As a body of staff working with young people, we are conscious to upskill ourselves quite rapidly on what to look for and the dangers.

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“If your child has been affected in any way by this activity today, please ask them to talk to their tutor or Head of Year in the first instance.”

Staff member Phil Segal said: "Nothing was found during the visit by K9 Deployment. Where there was an indication of suspicion, students and parents have been spoken to. This is part of an ongoing programme which will include visits by professionals, assemblies, and pastoral education for all our students as part of their ongoing Life Studies educational experience."

Hampshire Police has also been contacted for comment.

THC is the main active ingredient in cannabis and is currently illegal in the UK.