VOLUNTEERS have been working hard on a Winchester hillside park.

The Friends of St Giles Hill Park were out making good use of new tools and equipment funded by grants from Winchester City Council and Hampshire County Council.

Friends chairman, Harry Mycock, of Quarry Road,  said that the equipment had already made a difference to what may be tackled in the park and said he was grateful to councillors Chris Edwards and Dominic Hiscock in supporting the funding application.

Before this year the park was looking increasingly neglected with the city council under financial pressure.

The Friends, established as a charity in April, began operating working parties in late August. The focus so far has been on clearing pathways aiming to make the main routes more inviting and also on clearing the railings making them ready for painting. The final working party of the year was on November 4.

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Hampshire Chronicle: Friends of St Gill Hill Park at a recent working party

Friends activities will continue and on December 2 there will be a litter pick at 10am.

The city council is planning a tree planting session on December 9 following essential work in the near future removing diseased ash trees.

In 2024 and beyond the aim of the Friends will be to continue to improve the park which will reach its 150th anniversary in 2028. This provides a date to aim for to celebrate improvements and be proud of the park and its important role for the people of Winchester.

For details on the Friends, becoming a Friend or getting involved in any way then see  https://www.friendsofstgileshillpark.org