Along with Eastleigh and Romsey, the people of Chandler’s Ford recently sadly lost their branch of Barclays Bank leaving large sections of the community with no physical bank in the area.

In response to this, Barclays has been busy arranging ‘pop up’ banks in Eastleigh and Romsey libraries and in Romsey town hall.

North Baddesley has a lovely communal area at All Saints Church which is used by North Baddesley Community Library, the Thursday cafe, the memory box group and other community-orientated organisations and is easily accessible so would be ideal for a ‘pop-up’ bank.

The village used to have three separate banks but now residents have to go to either Romsey or Eastleigh on specific days, find the money for car parks and pollute the environment unnecessarily if only there was one in North Baddesley.

Barclays has been approached but has not realised the opportunity for growth in this area. I’m not sure why when this is a growing community where they would have the monopoly of banking footfall.

Joy Clamp

North Baddesley

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