UPDATES on two of the biggest development schemes in Winchester's history will be given by civic chiefs.

Winchester City Council's Cabinet Committee: Regeneration will meet today (October 4) at 10am to discuss Central Winchester Regeneration (CWR) and Station Approach.

CWR's development partner, Jigsaw Consortium, was announced in March for the development of the Broadway and Friarsgate, also known as Silver Hill.

Since then Kings Walk has had a refurbishment, the archaeological trenches have been dug at the bus station and the demolition of the Friarsgate Medical Centre has started.

Hampshire Chronicle: CWR roadmap

READ MORE: Friarsgate Medical Centre demolition work starts

The developer has been holding workshops for people to have a say in the design of the scheme. An archaeological open day will also be held on Saturday, October 7 from 10am-1pm, starting at Abbey Gardens. This will include a guided tour of the artifacts discovered so far. 

According to the timeline in the slides, which will be presented at the cabinet meeting, an engagement document that compliments the supplementary planning document (SPD) will be produced at the start of next year. 

Station Approach, another relaunched scheme, is a £150 million regeneration of the land between Gladstone Street and the Cattle Market on Andover Road, including the station car parks and Carfax. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Station Approach roadmap

Ideas include up to 250 new homes, offices, shops, cafes and restaurants. A council report said the aim was to make it a place that people would want to linger rather than just pass through.

The update includes a timeline of milestones, including a masterplan submitted to cabinet by the end of next year. 

The Cabinet Committee: Regeneration will be held at 10am in the Walton Suite at the Guildhall.