Concerns over a fire escape have delayed the opening of hotel rooms above a city centre Japanese restaurant.

Kyoto Kitchen relocated from Parchment Street to Bridge Street two months ago, with six bedrooms in development.

The rooms have been delayed in opening, with owner Miff Kayum revealing that it's due to creating a new fire escape. The hotel rooms will be open from October 9.  

The solution means he will have to remove the new timber-slatted frame next to the bar that he installed.

READ MORE: Kyoto Kitchen Winchester prepares for official launch

In a video on Facebook, Mr Kayum said: “We're now two months into our new premises in Bridge Street. I think it's fair to say it has been quite an intense couple of months. I completely underestimated how much work was involved in refurbing the place. Actually I underestimated the challenges scaling up from a 12-seater restaurant to about 60 covers and 20 tables. 

“So we've really very quickly had to get more chefs in and get some new service staff and train them on the hoof. So it has been a little bit chaotic. Many, many thanks to everyone who has been in and been patient and understanding and supported us while we have been getting ourselves into a smooth operation. 

“Next steps? Well, the priority is to get the hotel rooms opened and unfortunately I've had more challenges and more surprises. Apart from the boilers and the torrential flood we had last week, we have had some issues around fire exits and the most sensible and practical way of getting our hotel guests to safely evacuate the building in the case of a fire. So we now finally have a solution. It's not my choice unfortunately, but we are going to have to lose are beautiful timber slatted frame. We're going to have to build a fire wall in order to allow the hotel guests to safely vacate out the front door. 

“But it does mean we can get the rooms opened in the next couple of weeks. So thank you to everyone who has been in to support us in our new home.”

Kyoto Kitchen currently has a planning application in for a new external link way, re cladding, signage and internal remodelling and modernisation.

By Monday, September 25, it had received 15 supporting comments and eight objections.

To see more details about the plans online, search 23/01174/FUL on Winchester City Council's planning portal.

Mr Kayum added: "No one raised concerns but it was easier to create a fire corridor internally to provide a safe exit through the building rather than an escape route externally through neighbouring properties. I don’t need planning or any complicated legal agreements and licenses and it means I can open the hotel safely from October 9. We are just setting up our web page and booking system but people interested can make enquiries to"