Wolvesey Castle will be open as usual to the public as part of the Heritage Open Days. 

On Sunday, September 10 there will be a performance, between 12pm and 2pm, by the Northumberland Pipers and Choir in the ruins of the West Hall.

“This will be fabulous,” said Jo Forbes, the southern regional organiser. “This is the very hall in which Mary Tudor held her wedding feast with Philip of Spain - an unbelievable room to stand in.”

After the free concert there will be a retiring collection for English Heritage and Winchester Basics Bank followed by tours at 2.30pm and 3.30pm. These are free but need to booked in advance on the Heritage Open Day website: eventbrite.co.uk/o/winchester-heritage-open-days-17274323708.

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On Tuesday, September 12 there will be a further free tour at 11am by a Blue Badge guide. 

Newly graduated students of architecture and planning, Emily Gudgeon-Osterritter and Richard Coney from Bristol, recently visited Wolvesey Castle.

“It’s really fantastic, “ said Richard. “It’s a big place. Some old castles just have walls but it's great to see so many rooms and have this much stuff to look at. It’s very cool.” 

Emily said: “It’s interesting to see how parts of it have been re-instated just to give support to the main frames. It really shows how it used to be.”