A QUILTING group will be proudly showcasing their work as part of a festival - and to mark its 40th anniversary. 

The Romsey Quilters Exhibition will be back in Romsey Abbey this year as part of Romsey Festival. 

Every member was encouraged to enter a quilt big or small, intricate or simple to show off any level of skill.

The result is that over 120 quilts will be hung in the Abbey creating a glorious kaleidoscope of colour available to view every day from July 1 to 16.

This year the group has also strived to make the exhibition more accessible than ever.

The group recognised that some visitors have a better experience if they can feel how quilts are made and so whilst touching the quilts is still not allowed, there will be “sensory samples” of many of the quilts to touch and feel.

Hampshire Chronicle:

There will also be a weekly audio description tour and signs in Makaton.

The approach to accessibility also extended to members who are stewarding the exhibits with different roles assigned to those who wanted to help who were less able to stand.

Sara Sullivan, chairman of the group, said: “I hope you will marvel at and appreciate all the work and dedication that it has taken to create these exhibits and put on this exhibition.

"The quilts are all wonderful but a special mention must go to our 40th anniversary quilt,  containing 40 red roses individually sewn by members to create a Rose Window Quilt, perfect for the setting of the Abbey.

"We are also grateful to the Romsey Festival team for once again giving us the opportunity to display all these works in such a magnificent surrounding.”

READ MORE: Romsey Festival to have 250 events over the next two weeks

The group’s fantastic raffle quilt (which was created by members sewing simple colourful blocks which, when assembled, produced the amazing quilt and cushions ) are going to Romsey Dementia Action Group.

Prizes also include specialist hampers and tickets will be available at the Abbey.

In addition the group is putting on a Fabric Fiesta on July 9 with local independent traders selling fabric, textile and other creative items.

The proceeds from that will benefit Romsey Young Carers.

The Romsey Quilters Exhibition will be open in Romsey Abbey every day until July 16 from 10am to 4pm, except when there are services or concert in the Abbey.

Entrance is free but a purchase of an exhibition brochure for £3 will benefit Romsey Abbey.

The Fabric Fiesta is on July 9 from 10am to 4pm at Crosfield Hall Romsey.

For more details email romseyquilters@gmail.com