MEON Valley MP Flick Drummond has met with Hollywood star Rosamund Pike to discuss the work of the Mines Advisory Group (MAG).

Mrs Drummond met the Gone Girl star when she visited Westminster this week. Ms Pike has recently returned from Cambodia, one of the most mine-contaminated countries in the world.

MAG works to clear mines, unexploded bombs or missiles, cluster munitions and dispose of ammunition and weapons remaining from conflicts across the globe. Mrs Drummond was told that the group is now active in Ukraine, where unexploded ordinances and mines are a major issue.

The recent fall in level of the River Dnieper following the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam has revealed large minefields laid in the riverbanks by Russian forces.

The clean-up is likely to take decades, in line with MAG’s experiences in other countries around the world.

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Mrs Drummond said: “I was very interested to learn from Rosamund of her work with MAG and how actors and public figures can help highlight these causes like this one that is costing lives across the world often many decades after mines and other ordnance was laid.

“Rosamund played war correspondent Marie Colvin in the film A Private War and she told me that highlighted to her the dangers people in conflict face. She has visited Lebanon with MAG too and saw the work it is doing to help people who are still facing conflict there after decades.

“The government helps fund mine clearance around the world. Last year it made a second £500,000 contribution to support the clearance of landmines in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“I am happy to support MAG’s work and to talk to ministers about what more the UK can do, especially as new conflicts like Ukraine make the issue more widespread.”