THE next phase of development at a retirement village near Chandler's Ford has been refused by planners.

Ampfield Meadows is currently under construction on the former North Hill Sawmill Yard in Baddesley Road, Flexford. 

The retirement community will offer 149 retirement apartments for the over 65s, after the outline plans were permitted in 2018.

The new application was for the appearance, landscaping, and layout of the next phase of development - including 17 buildings that would provide 91 homes. 

It was refused by Test Valley Borough Council's southern area planning committee on April 25.

It had been recommended for permission, but members were concerned about the impact the new buildings would have on the residents of Flexford Close.

Ampfield Parish Council had supported the original proposals. However, they objected to the new plan due to the concern from Flexford Close residents.

Chairman Bryan Nanson said: “This would create a huge physical impact on the Flexford Close properties. The proposal now is for substantial buildings. 

“It would cause a material loss of privacy. The layout should be revisited to reduce the intensity of the development on Flexford Close. It's not acceptable.”

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Flexford Close resident Michael Cormacey said: “This bears no resemblance to the original plans. It's demonstrably overdeveloped and not suitable for Ampfield. 

“It's all about cramming in as many houses as possible for the financial gain of the developer. 

“Bungalows are eminently suited to elderly residents and would reduce the visual impact of the development.”

James Parkhurst spoke on behalf of the developer. He said: “We have conducted extensive engagement with the local residents and have met with the parish council. The proposals offer the lowest ground levels possible.

“We are committed to mature tree planting before any construction of buildings in this phase starts.”

In the planning officer's report, it said: “In comparison to the original ground levels of the application site as indicated by the site survey drawing that accompanied the outline permission, the submitted proposed site sections demonstrate that the proposed ground levels will typically be approximately 2m/2.5m higher for the southern section of the Monks Brook boundary, and approximately 1m higher for the northern section.”

Cllr Alan Dowden said: “I supported the concept originally, but this isn't what I had envisaged. The viewing panel opened my eyes on the impact this would have. The only way forward is to refuse this application.”

Cllr Sandra Gidley said: “From the view panel, it was clear that the buildings would be overbearing. The Flexford Close residents deserve better.”

Cllr Celia Dowden said: “This is the kind of development is needed, but it has to be suitable.”

After voting for it to be refused, Cllr Dowden proposed the reasons as being due to the “detrimental impact on the properties in Flexford Close."