IT IS not so long ago since our Right Honourable MP for Winchester and Chandler’s Ford, Steve Brine, voted with his Conservative government to allow Hampshire rivers to continue to be polluted with effluent, killing off much of our local wildlife.

Now it is the turn of our gardens to be killed off, as a result of the hose ban that Southern Water is about to impose. How woeful is it that this company cannot even get the day correct around the vagaries of August 5?

Gardens are the lifeline of many pensioners who have contacted me, most particularly after the low-downs we have obediently obeyed, when many have not, eg Boris Johnson and his cronies.

Cut off their ability to water what they treasure so much, when many can hardly move (not simply Blue Badge Holders, many of whom still live in a joint household, where one of the couple is well able to wield a watering can).What about stroke, heart attack victims and others, who care, above all, for their gardening legacy?

I would be very grateful if, as editor, you would instigate an investigation into the billions of water, per day, that have leaked away across the UK, as a result of inefficient water companies, backed up (or not) by a totally inefficient government.

Una Stevens,

Cliff Way,
